For AFY websites and stand alone subsites
Theme colors
100, 99, 94
177, 177, 174
239, 239, 239
Link Colors
212, 50, 135
167, 29, 92
162, 3, 84
For layout reference only. If there are any conflicts with the HTML files, trust the HTML.
Global setting and css required for the entire site
Bands, or rows are full width, alternate in colour and can be customized:
CSS: core.layout.css
Global setting for the site content width, except for the News and News Release. This also rules padding on top and bottom and can be customized:
CSS: core.layout.css
The footer is present at the bottom of all pages and remains constant, except for the Sponsor section which can be customised per page. The default configuration should match the one at the bottom of this page. core.footer.css file must be placed after core.layout.css
CSS: core.footer.css
Default text formatting, regardless of the layout. Some overriding classes are included to accomodate exceptions:
CSS: core.typography.css
For stand alone buttons and default links colour
CSS: core.buttons.css
Just the font loader
CSS: font/fonts.css
.EN added to the body tags triggers some language switch in the CSS. i.e. ::Before
Note: The only communality between the English and the French site are the css and js files. Other than that, both sites should be 100% independent. Every object found on the French site is likely to be found on the English site.
Some objects and templates use JavaScript. jQuery is required.
Used to display static content, these can be customized.
Heads are normally static, however, the portal/services pages have dynamic add referring to the calendar.
CSS: template.css
JS: swipper.css
JS: swipper.afy.css
JS: template.head.js
Options: (1)(2)(3)
Can be empty or contain some text, including a button.
Can have a common header that remains on top of all slides, including a button — Same as the static head. Or each slide can have it's own text, however, there a no button, the whole slide is clickable.
Portals and services need calendars ads included at the bottom
Extra CSS: events.listings.css
All heads share the same structure.
News : By defalut, all background images are top alinged (y). However, after testing, we need to be able to indicate if a background "Y" alignement is be "center or bottom" instead of the default. I was thinking of injecting the CSS inline: background-position-y: center;. See _page.calendrier.html for some example.
Contacts are created individually, then added to a "Department" band manually. A contact could exist on more the one department.
Allow the possibility to mark a contact as Active or Inactive..
CSS: template.css
Options: (1)(2)(3)
Unlimited amount of columns.
Article: An option to wrap all columns in a single div. See sample page below.
URLs should use "target='_blank"', unless linking localy.
The following class should be available to customise the content of the colomns :
CSS: template.css
JS: article.css
Options: (1)(2)(3)(4)
Custom CSS, applicable only to that template, can be added if needed.
Text can be reversed if not readable on the chosen background.
Background colour/image can be changed.
Template height and top/bottom padding can be adjusted. .Band > .ContentWidth
The contact bar is an object, not a templates. However, since they share much of the Icon template CSS, it is defined in the template CSS file
See : for details.
Displaying dynamic objects. Services page may be hand coded if easier.
Same template for New / News Release: Add .Release to activate the News Release
CSS: events.listings.css
CSS: object.featurednews.css
JS: template.head.js
Note: not constrained by .ContentWidth
Appears at the bottom of the page, and is limited by .ContenWidth like the rest of the site.
It can link to a service page, or a band in that page. I would be great if this could by dynamic and reflect the actual page or band title. Dynamic or manual image background? To be discussed
New: Everything is now wrapped in .Band.RelatedServices div.
CSS: events.listings.css
Appears just below the head and is full width.
Each service is added manually to the page. The number of entry should be dividable by 4. If it is not possible to have 4 or 8, we upload images to fill the void.
The displayed order is manual.
CSS: events.listings.css
Appears on the AFY page.
Swipes the latest 3 News/Press releases
Layout in progress
CSS: object.featurednews.css
CSS: events.listings.css
Same as main.nav, but full page and and with an extra button.
CSS: nav.main.css
JS: template.head.js
Same template for News Page / News Release Page: toggle .NewsPage and .NewsPageRelease.
Uses the same page layout as the event page.
JS: template.head.js
New : All Events based layout have a revised html structure. Content is the same, except for Event and Collection pages that now allows to have a page title in the Intro section. Also, while reviewing the events, please note that hypothetical current date used for creating the event pages is Mars 14.
Only shows AFY events.
Events trigegr a popup and do not go directly to the description page.
CSS: events.listings.css
JS: template.head.js
Displays ALL upcomming events, including partner's events.
All logisting info is an open feild (Date, location, etc)
If triggered, the location map should show a pin for each event contained within the collection
Au Programme is an open Feild
Price button should not highlight if no URL is allocated.
Head can contain an image and/or some text. Refer to TemplateHead.
New : the Intro section now includes an h2 headline
CSS: events.listings.css
CSS: object.flexible.css
CSS: object.sharebar.css
CSS: object.videos.css
CSS: object.dropdown.css
CSS: template.css
JS: nav.scroll.js
JS: object.dropdown.js
JS: template.head.js
Collection pane shows ALL upcoming events, including partner's events.
Collection pane shows ALL collection associated with the event.
Collection pane indicated the current event.
If the current event is past, load the page with the "Past events" roll-down menu expended.
Price button should not highlight if no URL is allocated.
Show all dates associated with an event. Each dates should appear in the event litings and the collections.
Head can contain an image and/or some text. Refer to TemplateHead.
New : the Intro section now includes an h2 headline
CSS: events.listings.css
CSS: object.flexible.css
CSS: object.sharebar.css
CSS: object.videos.css
CSS: object.dropdown.css
CSS: template.css
JS: nav.scroll.js
JS: object.dropdown.js
JS: template.head.js
Collection pane shows selected collections.
Collection only the next three events.
Collection + button shows three more events, if any.
Collection pane shows ANY upcoming events, including partner's events.
Monthly pane shows only AFY events.
Monthly pane show the complete current month, plus any upcomming months
Head image can be changed from time to time.
CSS: events.listings.css
CSS: object.dropdown.css
CSS: template.css
JS: object.dropdown.js
JS: template.head.js
All these share the same code structure, but are displayed differently, with selective data.
The "+" button now simply links to the appropriate Collection page
CSS: events.listings.css
CSS: object.dropdown.css
JS: object.dropdown.js
Dynamically generated, these event ads appear in the head on Service and portal pages.
When creating/editing an event, we can select which services or portals will display its ad.
New : This is now a standalone row that lives just below the Head. There is also two new wrapper divs around the old code. (.Scroll .AdsWrapper).
New : JS: object.horisontalscroll.js
CSS: event.listings.css
Dynamically generated, these event ads appear below the head on Calendar/home page.
Up to 8 ads are displayed, but no more.
New : .TextureAFY class
CSS: event.listings.css
Only appears on the Collection page.
Shows ALL upcoming events.
A message can be displayed if no more events are upcomming.
Local events go the event description page
Partener's events only trigger a pop up
New : .TextureAFY class
CSS: event.listings.css
CSS: object.dropdown.css
JS: object.dropdown.js
Appears on Collection and Event pages.
On smaller screen, an extra button appears to the right of the container. On collection pages, it allows quick scrolling to the list of sub-event. On the Eventpage, it links directly to the collection pages.
Responsive layout in progrss
CSS: object.logistic.css
CSS: object.quicklinks.css
JS: nav.scroll
Appears on Event and Monthly pages.
This small menu replaces the Collection Pane and links directly to the collection pages, if Any.
On the Event page it apears as a button in the Logistic object.
On the Monthly page it apears on top of the month listing
CSS: object.quicklinks.css
JS: nav.scroll
Appears on Event, Collection, News and Press release pages. It includes either :
A contact from the contact page, trigerring it's related Contact Card if clicked. Only the Active contact should be selectable from the list.
A custom contact, includes thumbnail, name, title, phone number and email. It is tied to that page only. On click, A popUp showing the phone number and Telephone will apear"if this info is not already visible, depending on media size.
Layout in progress.
New : The Pop up layout for the non-active contacts uses the regular Contactcard layout but requires only the top section (.Mug). There are some sligh layout diffirences triggered by the new .Alien class.
CSS: template.css
Appears on Event, Collection, News and Press release pages
Display only those that apply.
The share buttons pops a dialog box.
All others point to a single url/mail.
Include the posiblity to add one that is not a presets, with a custom icon and lable.
Always display in the same order.
CSS: object.sharebar.css
Appears on the Event, Collection. News and Press releases pages.
One or many schedules can be inserted at the top of the .Flexible div
If title is entered, the default headline is "Schedule"
A schedule is an ul list. By default, only two olumns are displayed, unless .C3 is added, which will display three columns instead.
CSS: object.flexible.css
Downloads are inserted at the bottom .Flexible div
If no title is entered, the default headline is "Downloads"
CSS: object.flexible.css
Used on Events, Collection, and News pages
If a schedule, or a download object is used, it would be content within the wrapper div.
These class should be available:
CSS: object.flexible.css
CSS: object.videos.css
CSS: template.css
Toggeling the wrapper class .PopUpOff and .PopUp. for a given ID shows or hides the popup.
The class .Contentwidth has been removed from all pop ups
The contact PopUp uses the same data as the footer. Literally.
New The Team AFY html has been simplified and has a new .Staff class.
The Staff icon is based on the Icon Template.
The Job posting link should be editable, somehow.
CSS: core.footer.css
CSS: popup.css
CSS: template.css
JS: popup.css
Appears when a contact icon is pressed from the Contact page, or the Contact bar.
The five progress bars and fun facts have optional labels, per card.
At work, and After 5pm heads are ruled by the CSS.
The phone number should be dialled able.
New : Dv wrapper in the Work section (Au travail)
New : Fix labels are now CSS generated
CSS: popup.contactcard.css
CSS: popup.css
JS: popup.css
Shows only from the Calendar Grid page.
CSS: popup.css
JS: popup.css
Partner's events don't have a page, but only a PopUp
If no image is avaible, the top bar remains empty with a grey background.
CSS: popup.css
JS: popup.css
Triggered from the Event and Collection pages. It should include a pointer to the event(s) location(s).
CSS: popup.css
JS: popup.css
Triggered from the Event pages.
CSS: popup.css
JS: popup.css
The pages are not in the site navigation, but can be added manually to the footer template. Note that each portal page is likely to have its own CSS overriding the colour theme in order to match targeted advertising. I.e.: Yellow instead of pink.
Same as the Text Template, except that only one free text column is "needed", instead of multiple like in the regular text template. Banner ads will be inserted on multiple pages
Cancelled. However, there is a placeholer in the footer for future implementation.
Cancelled. We'll use the Icon template to acheive it
Cancelled. All microsites are hand coded and are not part of this contract
Only intended for one page microsites that are not attached to AFY website.
CSS: nav.standalone.css
JS: nav.standalone.js
JS: jquery.min.js
Gestionnaire en développement touristique par intérim
Tâches et fonctions. 25 mots ulluptur sam et quia vent. Hendign imusantum, num autaquiste ex est, earum experuptatur senia si sundipsum facearum quo iniatio blandelis eum.
My goodness, my Guinness